Press release
SC AATEQ SRL implements in the period 13.04.2018 – 31.07.2019 the project “Increasing the competitiveness of the company AATEQ SRL by expanding the production activity”, MySMIS code 112663, financed by the Regional Operational Program 2014-2020. The project has a total value of 4,002,432.84 lei, of which 2,020,892.52 lei represents non-reimbursable financing, namely, 1,717,758.64 lei non-reimbursable eligible value from the ERDF and 303,133.88 lei eligible value from the national budget. The project implementation location is at the company’s headquarters located in Str. Soseau Cristianului no. 63B, Sat Cristian, Com. Cristian, Brasov county, postal code 507055.
The general objective/purpose of the project is to make an initial investment, by expanding the capacity of the AATEQ SRL company, and implicitly, increasing the volume of products obtained to the customer’s order: bearings, gears, mechanical transmission elements, following the performance of the activity according to CAEN 2815.
The specific objectives of the project:
Expanding the company's capacity, by increasing the volume of manufactured products as a result of the modernization and innovation of the production flow, through the acquisition of tangible and intangible assets, in the field of activity "Manufacturing of bearings, gears, gearboxes and mechanical transmission elements" CAEN code 2815 - the main object of activity.
Improving the quality of the environment and increasing energy efficiency as a result of the selective collection of waste and the optimization of the operation of lighting installations in production spaces;
Carrying out internationalization activities, by participating in specialized international fairs, trade missions or exhibitions, as an exhibitor and the recertification of the ISO 9001:2008 management system, respectively the certification of CPF compliance, in the EVECP2+ system, for metal structural steel elements according to SR EN 1090-1:2009+A1: 2011, EN 1090-2; A1:2012
The implementation of the project will lead to the following results:
Increasing the volume of manufactured products, and implicitly the turnover, as a result of the modernization and innovation of the production flow, through the acquisition of tangible and intangible assets, in the field of activity "Manufacturing bearings, gears, gearboxes and mechanical transmission elements"
The company will conclude a contract with a company specialized in the collection of waste specific to the production process to minimize it at the source and will invest in an LED lighting installation to save energy.
Maintaining the products at the highest standards through the re-certification of the ISO 9001:2008 management system, respectively the certification of CPF conformity, in the EVECP2+ system, for metallic steel elements with a structural role in accordance with SR EN 1090-1:2009+A1: 2011, EN 1090- 2;A1:2012.
For detailed information about the other programs co-financed by the European Union, we invite you to visit www.fonduri-ue.ro