The project “Increasing the competitiveness of the AATEQ SRL company by expanding the production activity”, MySMIS code 112663, financed by the Regional Operational Program 2014-2020 is implemented by SC AATEQ SRL and has a total value of 4,002,432.84 lei, of which 2,020. 892.52 lei represents non-refundable financing. The Regional Operational Program 2014-2020 is implemented at the national level by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration as the Management Authority, and at the regional level by the Center ADR, the intermediate body of the program that monitors the implementation of this project in the Center Region. The project is scheduled to take place between 13.04.2018 and 31.07.2019.
The general objective of the project is to make an initial investment, by expanding the capacity of the AATEQ SRL company, and implicitly, increasing the volume of products obtained to the customer’s order: bearings, gears, mechanical transmission elements, following the performance of the activity according to CAEN 2815.
The specific objectives of the project are the expansion of the company’s capacity, by increasing the volume of manufactured products, improving the quality of the environment and increasing energy efficiency and optimizing the operation of lighting installations in production spaces, as well as carrying out internationalization activities, re-certifying the management system, respectively CPF compliance certification .
Among the results of the project are the increase in the volume of manufactured products as a result of the modernization and innovation of the production flow, the contracting of a company specialized in the collection of waste specific to the production process in order to minimize it at the source, as well as maintaining the products at the highest standards through the recertification of the system of management, respectively CPF compliance certification. Also, a person from a disadvantaged category was hired.
For detailed information about the other programs co-financed by the European Union, we invite you to visit www.fonduri-ue.ro.